Friday, January 4, 2013

Badminton Tournament 2012 - 10-11 December 2012

PSA is organizing "Badminton Tournament 2012" on 10-11 December 2012 in Sports Complex Center inside USM. All the students are invited to attend this activity.

Creative Visual Awards - 11-14 December 2012

PSA is orgnizing the 2nd Creative Visual Awards on 11-14 December 2012. The Creative Visual Awards – Malaysian College/University Student Short Film Festival, USM starts in 2011. It is the 1st university-based short film festival in Malaysia where student filmmakers are directly involved in producing their filming products signaturing their own masterpieces. Whether you’re a student looking for ways to break into the fest circuit or a film lover looking for new ways to experience film, this student-focused festival should be on your radar.

The organization acts as a kind of incubator for students' talents, with prizes to inspire the young filmmakers to keep plugging away at their passions.

ANYONE studying in MALAYSIAN colleges and universities can fire up a camera and submit something. The Creative Visual Awards focuses on students’ films that revolve around themes of humanity, spirituality, scientific knowledge, and works that respect the dignity of the human person and environment. In other words, the content is slightly more hopeful than entries you might find at other festivals. That’s the exact meaning behind the motto of the Creative Visual Awards - “Visualize Your Dream”.

Walking for Peace - Monday 10 December 2012

PSA is organizing "Walking For Peace"  on 10th Dec (MONDAY), 9p.m. in the evening. PSA Invites all students and staff of USM including family members to join this Activity. In this activity there will be speeches about the peace specially in Palestine.

Pictures From the Event: